Asghar Milan

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-06

Asghar Milan

Civil ,Water and Environmental Engineering /

Journal Paper

  1. "Land Cover and Land Use Extraction Based on Deep Learning Methods Using Satellite Images"
    Pooya Heidari, Asghar Milan, Alireza Gharagozlou
    Vol. 14, pp.119-133, 2024
  2. "A new method for road detection in urban areas using high-resolution satellite images and Lidar data based on fuzzy nearest-neighbor classification and optimal features"
    Asghar Milan, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej, Mehdi Mokhtarzade
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 9, pp.1-11, 2016
  3. "A review of 3D underwater surface reconstruction methods"
    Fateme Bagheri dizabadi, Asghar Milan
    Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 28, pp.1-25, 2024
  4. ""
    Mohammad AmooShahi, Asghar Milan, Saeid Sadeghian, Alireza Gharagozlou
    Vol. 37, pp.87-106, 2024
  5. ""
    Mahdi Farhangi, Asghar Milan, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 2, pp.277-292, 2024
  6. "Landuse change mapping based on drone and ultracam aerial images"
    Amirhosein Babaeepour, Asghar Milan
    Vol. 10, pp.443-464, 2024
  7. "Using deep learning-based classification methods for interpreting brain MRI images for tumor diagnosis."
    Fateme Bagheri dizabadi, Asghar Milan, Gholamreza Fallahi
    Vol. 14, pp.25-36, 2024
  8. "Evaluation of the videogrammetry method for calculating the volume of earthworks in comparison with the conventional methods of land surveying"
    Mehran Shafiei, Asghar Milan
    Vol. 17, pp.204-227, 2023
  9. "Aerial triangulation based on digital images, GPS/IMU data and optimal self calibration parameters using genetic algorithm"
    Saeid Sadeghian, Asghar Milan, Hamed Ahmadi Masine, KARIMI RO
    Vol. 29, pp.71-83, 2020
  10. "Road Detection in Urban Areas Using High-Resolution Satellite Images and Lidar Data Based on Fuzzy Nearest-Neighbor Classification and Optimal Features"
    Asghar Milan, Mohammad Javad Valadanzouj, Mehdi Mokhtarzade
    Vol. 8, pp.181-193, 2018
  11. "Comprehensive Evaluation the Geometric Modeling of Worldview-2 Satellite Images with Classical and Intelligent Methods"
    Hossin Bagheri, Saeid Sadeghian, Asghar Milan
    Vol. 4, pp.87-102, 2015
  12. "A Rule Based Analysis of Image Objects for Road Detection in Urban Areas Using High Resolution Satellite Image and LiDAR Data"
    Asghar Milan, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej, Mehdi Mokhtarzade
    Vol. 4, pp.37-52, 2014
  13. ""
    Asghar Milan, Majid Hamrah, Mahdi Gholam Ali Majd Abadi
    Vol. 15, pp.10-17, 2006
  14. ""
    Mohammad Javad Valadan Zowj, Asghar Milan, Mahdi Gholam Ali Majd Abadi
    Vol. 14, pp.9-12, 2005

Conference Paper

  1. ""
    10th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, 2024
  2. ""
    Fatemeh Abbasi, Asghar Milan
    10th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, 2024
  3. ""
    Mehrnosh SharifZadeh, Gholamreza Fallahi, Asghar Milan
    , 2024
  4. "Impact Assessment of image fusion methods on the final accuracy of remote sensing image classification with medium resolution (case study: Tehran region)"
    Pooya Heidari, Asghar Milan, Alireza Gharagozlou
    , 2024
  5. "Assessment of supervised and unsupervised classification methods of High-Resolution images in dense urban environments in order to determine land use (Case study of GeoEye-1 images from Karaj region)"
    Pooya Heidari, Asghar Milan, Gholamreza Fallahi
    , 2024
  6. ""
    Fateme Bagheri dizabadi, Gholamreza Fallahi, Asghar Milan
    , 2024
  7. ""
    Ali Tarkhasi, Asghar Milan, Gholamreza Fallahi
    , 2024
  8. ""
    Amirhosein Babaeepour, Asghar Milan, Gholamreza Fallahi
    , 2024
  9. ""
    Leily Zamany, Gholamreza Fallahi, Asghar Milan
    , 2024
  10. ""
    Amirhosein Babaeepour, Asghar Milan, Gholamreza Fallahi
    , 2024
  11. ""
    Mahdi Farhangi, Asghar Milan
    , 2024
  12. ""
    Fatemeh Abbasi, Asghar Milan
    , 2024
  13. ""
    Mahdi Dardmeh, Asghar Milan
    , 2024
  14. ""
    Sajjad Zargar, Asghar Milan
    The 7th National Conference On The New Horizons In The Civil Engineering, Architecture And Urbanization, 2023
  15. ""
    Pooya Heidari, Asghar Milan
    The 7th National Conference On The New Horizons In The Civil Engineering, Architecture And Urbanization, 2023
  16. ""
    Mehrnosh SharifZadeh, Asghar Milan
    The 7th National Conference On The New Horizons In The Civil Engineering, Architecture And Urbanization, 2023
  17. ""
    Leily Zamany, Asghar Milan
    The 7th National Conference On The New Horizons In The Civil Engineering, Architecture And Urbanization, 2023
  18. ""
    Mehrnosh SharifZadeh, Asghar Milan
    , 2023
  19. ""
    Amirhosein Babaeepour, Asghar Milan
    10th National Conference on Modern Studies and Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and future city, 2023
  20. ""
    Ali Tarkhasi, Asghar Milan
    10th National Conference on Modern Studies and Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and future city, 2023
  21. ""
    Pooya Heidari, Asghar Milan
    10th National Conference on Modern Studies and Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and future city, 2023
  22. ""
    Asghar Milan, Fateme Bagheri dizabadi, Leily Zamany, Mehrnosh SharifZadeh
    3rd International Conference on modern Technologies in Sciences, 2023
  23. ""
    Pooya Heidari, Asghar Milan, Sajjad Zargar
    2nd international and 7th national conference on sustainable architecture and city, pp.1-11, 2023
  24. ""
    Niloofar Akhlaghi yengheje, Asghar Milan, Gholamreza Fallahi, Mohammad AmooShahi
    2nd international and 7th national conference on sustainable architecture and city, 2023
  25. ""
    Morteza Shasavand, Asghar Milan
    2nd international and 7th national conference on sustainable architecture and city, 2023
  26. ""
    Marzieh Zamani, Gholamreza Fallahi, Asghar Milan, Mohammad AmooShahi
    2nd international and 7th national conference on sustainable architecture and city, 2023
  27. ""
    Saeed Kalhor, Asghar Milan, Gholamreza Fallahi, Mohammad AmooShahi
    2nd international and 7th national conference on sustainable architecture and city, 2023
  28. ""
    Mehran Shafiei, Asghar Milan
    2nd international and 7th national conference on sustainable architecture and city, 2023
  29. ""
    Ali Tarkhasi, Asghar Milan
    2nd international and 7th national conference on sustainable architecture and city, pp.1-12, 2023
  30. ""
    Hossein Hassanpour, Asghar Milan, Gholamreza Fallahi
    2nd international and 7th national conference on sustainable architecture and city, 2023
  31. ""
    Matin Aghagoli, Asghar Milan, Nilofar Javidi
    2nd international and 7th national conference on sustainable architecture and city, 2023
  32. ""
    Hamed Ahmadimasine, Saeid Sadeghian, Asghar Milan, Roholah karimy Karimy
    SMPR, 2013
  33. ""
    Hussain Bagheri, Saeid Sadeghian, Asghar Milan
    , 2013
  34. ""
    Kourosh khoshelham, Mohammad Saadatseresht, Asghar Milan
    Geomatics 86, 2007