Saeid Sadeghian

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-06

Saeid Sadeghian

Civil ,Water and Environmental Engineering /

Journal Paper

  1. "Deep learning-based method for reconstructing three-dimensional building cadastre models from aerial images"
    Mehdi Khoshboresh Masouleh, Saeid Sadeghian
    Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 13, pp.1-18, 2019
  2. "Application of Intelligent Interpolation Methods for DTM Generation of Forest Areas Based on LiDAR Data"
    Masoomeh Gomroki, Marzieh Jafari, Saeid Sadeghian, Zahra Azizi
    PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science, Vol. 85, pp.227-241, 2017
  3. "Forest Road Detection Using LiDAR Data"
    Zahra Azizi, Akbar Najafi, Saeid Sadeghian
    JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH, Vol. 25, pp.975-980, 2014
  4. "Integration of remote sensing and the GIS-based methods for provision of cadastral mapping of agricultural areas of Ardakan city"
    Alireza Bamdadi, Ali Sarkargar Ardakani, Saeid Sadeghian
    International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research, Vol. 2, pp.342-348, 2014
  5. "The assessment of using an intelligent algorithm for the interpolation of elevation in the DTM Generation"
    Hossein Bagheri, Saeid Sadeghian, Seyyed Yousef Sadjadi
    Photogrammetrie Fernerkundung Geoinformation, Vol. 2014, pp.197-208, 2014
  6. "A Novel Filtering Algorithm for Bare-Earth Extraction From Airborne Laser Scanning Data Using an Artificial Neural Network"
    Ali Baligh Jahromi, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej, Ali Mohammadzadeh, Saeid Sadeghian
    IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 4, pp.836-843, 2011
  7. ""
    Ali akbar Matkan, Mohammad Sohrabi Nia, Saeid Sadeghian, Dadfar Manavi
    Vol. 6, pp.171-182, 2009
  8. "Mathematical Modeling of Geo-Rectified Dynamic Space Images"
    Somayeh Yavari, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej, Saeid Sadeghian
    International Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol. 4, pp.47-55, 2008
  9. "Generation of orthoimage from high-resolution DEM and high-resolution image"
    Mahdi Saati, Jalal Amini, Saeid Sadeghian, S.A. Hosseini
    Scientia Iranica, Vol. 5, pp.568-574, 2008
  10. "Rational function optimization using genetic algorithms"
    M.J. Valadan Zoej, M. Mokhtarzade, A. Mansourian, H. Ebadi, Saeid Sadeghian
    International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 9, pp.403-413, 2007
  11. "Fuzzy Logic System for Road Identification Using Ikonos Images"
    Jalal Amini, Caro Lucas, Mohammad Saradjian, Ali Azizi, Saeid Sadeghian
    PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECORD, Vol. 17, pp.493-503, 2002
  12. "Precision rectification of high resolution satellite imagery without ephemeris data"
    Saeid Sadeghian, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej, Mahmoud Reza Delavar, Ahmad Abootalebi
    International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 3, pp.366-371, 2001
  13. "Determining Soil Roughness and Moisture Parameters Using Sentinel-1 Satellite Data via OH Model A Case Study of Agricultural Land in Nazarabad City"
    Hamid Reza Babaei Fard, Saeid Sadeghian
    Journal of Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Research, Vol. 2, pp.11-24, 2024
  14. ""
    Nima Alimohammadi, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 7, pp.75-85, 2023
  15. "Evaluation of the preparation of large scale agricultural cadastre maps with use UAV images without using GCPs"
    Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi, Fardin Asnaashari
    Vol. 22, pp.95-115, 2022
  16. "Maps"
    Fahimeh Zaeri, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 2, pp.1-18, 2022
  17. "Determining and monitoring the Phenology curve and product Cultivation level using time series of satellite images Landsat 8 (Case study Agricultural lands of Qom Province)"
    Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi, Solayman Mohamadi
    Vol. 21, pp.35-53, 2022
  18. ""
    Hamed Khani Pordanjani, Ali asghar Torahi, Hamid Reza Riahi Bakhtiari, Saeid Sadeghian, Maryam Divisti Moghandari
    Vol. 11, pp.31-43, 2021
  19. "Investigation of Methods for Calculating Ground Temperature from Satellite Images (Case Study of Qom Province)"
    Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi, seyed mohammad reza shadmanfar
    Vol. 21, pp.131-154, 2021
  20. "3D Cadastre implementation based on UAV-based photogrammetry method without using ground control points (GCPs)"
    Amir Hosein Shokri, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 30, pp.65-78, 2021
  21. "3D modeling for documentation, restoration and determination of the area of Dolatabad castie in Qom UAV images"
    Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi, Davod Sedighpor
    Vol. 10, pp.229-241, 2021
  22. "Aerial triangulation based on digital images, GPS/IMU data and optimal self calibration parameters using genetic algorithm"
    Saeid Sadeghian, Asghar Milan, Hamed Ahmadi Masine, KARIMI RO
    Vol. 29, pp.71-83, 2020
  23. "Evaluation of high resolution satellite images in preparing agricultural cadastral maps for land integration (case study Ikonos image of Urmia)"
    Ahmad Rajabi, Saeid Sadeghian, Mohammad Khalili
    Vol. 11, pp.68-87, 2020
  24. "Economic assessment of large scale maps extracted by UAV photogrammetry for preparing urban cadastral map"
    Seyedreza Zakizadeh, Zahra Azizi, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 9, pp.70-79, 2020
  25. "Generating Digital Terrain Model for forest areas using aerial LiDAR data Case study Dorood, Lorestan"
    Asghar Hosseini, Zahra Azizi, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 29, pp.159-167, 2020
  26. "Investigating the role and position of UAVs and geospatial information systems in command and control from the perspective of geomatics"
    Amir Hosein Shokri, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 16, pp.27-46, 2020
  27. "Effects of dam construction on physical development and upstream and downstream dam changes using remote sensing (Case study June 15th, Qom Dam)"
    Ahmad Rajabi, Saeid Sadeghian, Hamid Reza Alborzian
    Vol. 10, pp.27-46, 2020
  28. "Article object oriented processing of remote sensing with high spatial resolution capacity and layered hyperpoints for building extraction for urban mapping"
    Mahdi Khosboresh Masouleh, Mahdi Akondzadeh, Mahdi Hasanlou, Saeid Sadeghian
    pp.2-15, 2019
  29. "Discriminating between Barabts oak (Quercus brantili Lindl.) and gail oak (Q.infectoria Oliv.) species using the UAV images"
    Sahar Barazmand, Javad Soosani, Hamed Naghavi, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 27, pp.245-257, 2019
  30. "Investigation of changes in the ancient areas of Hegmataneh of Hamadan using remote sensing and spatial information system"
    Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi, Mona Farokhi
    Vol. 40, pp.148-163, 2019
  31. "The implementation of 3D Urban cadastre based on aerial imagery by the real estate management ability in Tehran Metropolis"
    Mehdi KhoshboreshMasouleh, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 27, pp.25-40, 2018
  32. "Production of digital terrain model (DTM) in dense forest areas with combined airborne Lidar data filtering algorithms"
    Hamed Khani Pordanjani, Saeid Sadeghian, Hamid Reza Riahi Bakhtiari
    Vol. 9, pp.53-62, 2018
  33. ""
    Mahdi Khoshboresh Masouleh, Saeid Sadeghian
    pp.145-165, 2017
  34. "Optimizing Lidar data interpolation elevation in the generation of digital terrain model forest using genetic algorithm"
    masoumeh gomroki, Saeid Sadeghian, zahra azizi
    Vol. 7, pp.9-24, 2016
  35. "Performance evaluation of combination rational functions to multi quadric equations in order to improve geometric correction satellite images"
    Saeid Sadeghian, adel sharifi
    Vol. 7, pp.111-123, 2016
  36. ""
    omid aeeneh, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 7, pp.51-58, 2016
  37. "Digital terrain model generated from LiDAR data for forest area"
    Omid Aieneh, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 6, pp.69-79, 2015
  38. ""
    Parham Pahlavani, Hamed Amini, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 4, pp.90-102, 2015
  39. "Efficiency and capability of using artificial intelligent for ortho-image and digital elevation model"
    Hossein Bagheri, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 4, pp.83-93, 2015
  40. "Comprehensive Evaluation the Geometric Modeling of Worldview-2 Satellite Images with Classical and Intelligent Methods"
    Hossin Bagheri, Saeid Sadeghian, Asghar Milan
    Vol. 4, pp.87-102, 2015
  41. "Hierarchical road extraction using Lidar data"
    Amini Hamed, Parham Pahlavani, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 4, pp.37-50, 2015
  42. "A hierarchical unsupervised method for tree detection using aerial imagery and Lidar"
    Siamak Talebi, Asjar Zarea, Saeid Sadeghian, Hossein Arefi
    Vol. 5, pp.55-66, 2014
  43. "Evaluating the Geometric Potential of UAV Images with Rigorous and Non-Rigorous Models and Artificial Intelligence."
    Mohammad Zanoudini, Saeid Sadeghian, Ali Ardekani
    Vol. 3, pp.91-102, 2014
  44. ""
    Seyed Alireza Pourafzal, Alireza Gharagozlou, Mir Masoud Kheirkhah Zarkesh, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 16, pp.219-229, 2014
  45. ""
    Ali akbar Matkan, Mohammad Hajeb, , Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 2, pp.73-88, 2014
  46. ""
    Ali akbar Matkan, Mohammad Hajeb, Ali Mohammadzadeh, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 2, pp.39-50, 2011
  47. "Identifying the geometric changes of the building using aerial images with emphasis on the effects of earthquake"
    Simin-Tag Zirkusaz, Hamid Ebadi, Farshid Farnood Ahmadi, Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 13, pp.45-56, 2010
  48. ""
    Ali akbar Matkan, Ali Mohammadzadeh, Saeid Sadeghian, Mohammad Hajeb
    Vol. 1, pp.81-97, 2009
  49. "Karbala in Images"
    Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 13, pp.46-49, 2004
  50. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Mahmoud Reza Delavar, Farhad Almaspoor
    Vol. 3, pp.47-50, 2001
  51. "The KFA-1000 images of the characteristics of systematic errors, geometric precision and applications"
    Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 7, pp.34-40, 1998
  52. "Cadaster, Components, Types and Methods"
    Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 6, pp.54-61, 1997
  53. "Sensors, Pictures, Satellite Images and the Causes of their Lack of Strength"
    Saeid Sadeghian
    Vol. 6, pp.52-61, 1997

Conference Paper

  1. "Investigation about the role UAV s in precision farming with remote sensing approach"
    ali gholamreza, Saeid Sadeghian
    International conference on civil engineering architecture urban cityscape, 2016
  2. "Modelling of Carbon Monoxide Air Pollution in Large Cities By Evaluetion of Spectral Landsat8 Images"
    Maryam Hamzelo, Alireza Gharagozlou, Saeid Sadeghian, Siamak Baikpour, Ahmad Rajabi
    SMPR2015, 2015
  3. "Automatic Interrior Orientation of KFA-1000 Space Photo"
    Mehdi Ravanbakhsh, Saeid Sadeghian
    ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2004
  4. "Comparative Tests of Mathematical Models for Accuracy Potential of Point Measurements in Ikonos Geo Image"
    Saeid Sadeghian, Mohammadjavad Valadanzeoj
    ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2004
  5. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Ali Tarkhasi, Yahya DJAMOUR
    3rd International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 2024
  6. ""
    Farnaz Didaran, Saeid Sadeghian
    3rd International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 2024
  7. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Farideh Maleki
    3rd International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 2024
  8. ""
    Marzieh Zamani, Sana Haery, Saeid Sadeghian
    3rd International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 2024
  9. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Khosrow Vajdi Ghezelji
    3rd International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 2024
  10. ""
    Sajjad Zargar, Saeid Sadeghian
    3rd International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 2024
  11. ""
    Ali Saraee, Saeid Sadeghian
    3rd International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 2024
  12. "Investigating and evaluating unsupervised classification methods in extracting land cover and land use (case study :Tehran city)"
    Pooya Heidari, Saeid Sadeghian
    3rd International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 2024
  13. ""
    Hamid Reza Babaei Fard, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2024
  14. "Coastline extraction by supervised classification method using radar images A case study of Chabahar Bay"
    Fateme Bagheri dizabadi, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2024
  15. ""
    Mohammad AmooShahi, Saeid Sadeghian, Asghar Milan
    , 2023
  16. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Narges Fakhim, Asghar Milan
    , 2023
  17. ""
    Mohammad ali Momtazi, Saeid Sadeghian, Alireza Vafaeinejad
    , 2023
  18. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Majid Mahdavizadeh
    3rd International Conference on modern Technologies in Sciences, 2023
  19. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Mohammad Reza Majdi
    3rd International Conference on modern Technologies in Sciences, 2023
  20. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Kamyar Gordbegli
    3rd International Conference on modern Technologies in Sciences, 2023
  21. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Pooya Heidari
    3rd International Conference on modern Technologies in Sciences, 2023
  22. ""
    Pooya Heidari, Saeid Sadeghian
    3rd International Conference on modern Technologies in Sciences, 2023
  23. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Mehran Shafiei
    3rd International Conference on modern Technologies in Sciences, 2023
  24. ""
    Mehrnosh SharifZadeh, Saeid Sadeghian
    3rd International Conference on modern Technologies in Sciences, 2023
  25. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Fateme Bagheri dizabadi
    3rd International Conference on modern Technologies in Sciences, 2023
  26. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Hamid Boj Mehrabi
    , 2023
  27. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Asghar Milan, Reza Sobhani
    , 2023
  28. ""
    Mehrnosh SharifZadeh, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2023
  29. ""
    Mohammad reza Majdi, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2023
  30. ""
    Mahdi Ghorbani Motlag, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2023
  31. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, saeid Mousaei
    , 2023
  32. ""
    Amirhosein Babaeepour, Saeid Sadeghian
    2nd international and 7th national conference on sustainable architecture and city, 2023
  33. ""
    Hosain Giasi, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2022
  34. ""
    Farshid Toghyni khorasgany, Saeid Sadeghian, Asghar Milan
    , 2022
  35. ""
    Mohammad Bazokar, Saeid Sadeghian, Asghar Milan
    , 2022
  36. ""
    Siyavosh Rabii, Saeid Sadeghian, Asghar Milan
    , 2022
  37. ""
    Vahid Heidari mehr, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2022
  38. ""
    Mohammad ali Momtazi, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2022
  39. ""
    Mohammad AmooShahi, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2022
  40. ""
    Reyhane Rahmani, Saeid Sadeghian
    Fourth national conference on interdiscciplinarystudies, religious and theological sciences, 2021
  41. "3D Cadastre implementation"
    Reza Imani, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    1st international conference and 2st national conference on modern Geomatics tecnologies and applications, 2021
  42. ""
    Gholam Mansouryan, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    , 2020
  43. ""
    Mohammad rashol Khalili, Saeid Sadeghian
    National Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering,Urban Development and Horizons of Islamic Art,in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 2020
  44. ""
    Farshid Toghiany, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2020
  45. ""
    Mohammad Seifodini, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    , 2020
  46. ""
    Ali Abbasifar, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    , 2020
  47. ""
    Mohammad Yeganehrad, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, 2019
  48. ""
    Sayedmohammadreza Shadmanfar, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi, Saeid Rashidi
    4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, 2019
  49. ""
    Mona Farokhi, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, 2019
  50. ""
    Hamed Hajifarhadi, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi, Saeid Rashidi
    4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, 2019
  51. ""
    Saeid Ahmadi, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi, Saeid Rashidi
    4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, 2019
  52. ""
    Mojtaba Mahdi, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, 2019
  53. ""
    Marhemat Handouian, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, 2019
  54. ""
    Ali Arabsalmani, Saeid Sadeghian, Mojtaba Ganati
    4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, 2019
  55. ""
    Soleyman Mohammadi, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, 2019
  56. ""
    Fardin Asnaashari, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, 2019
  57. ""
    Hamid Alborzian, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, 2019
  58. ""
    Faezeh Jiriaie, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Science, Engineering Technology, 2019
  59. ""
    Mahdieh Moabber, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Science, Engineering Technology, 2019
  60. ""
    Ahmad Karimy, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2019
  61. ""
    Negin Fahami, Mehrdad Javadi, Saeid Sadeghian
    2nd National Conferenceon Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2019
  62. ""
    Hosein Sabzekar, Saeid Sadeghian, Mehrdad Javadi
    2nd National Conferenceon Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2019
  63. ""
    Ahmad Karimiyazdi, Saeid Sadeghian
    2nd National Conferenceon Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2019
  64. ""
    Ruholla Salek, Saeid Sadeghian, Mehrdad Javadi
    2nd National Conferenceon Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2019
  65. ""
    zeynab Mohamadrezaiy, Saeid Sadeghian, Salek Ruholla
    2nd National Conferenceon Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2019
  66. ""
    Marjan Ahangarha, Saeid Sadeghian
    2nd National Conferenceon Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2019
  67. ""
    Maryam Panahi, Hadis aghaei, Saeid Sadeghian
    2nd National Conferenceon Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2019
  68. "Improvement of the performance of disaster management by using three dimensional modeling"
    Mehrdad Javadi, Saeid Sadeghian, salek Rohollah
    Geomatics & GIT 97, 2018
  69. ""
    Masome Egbali, Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatics & GIT 97, 2018
  70. ""
    Maryam Panahi, Negin Fahami, Saeid Sadeghian
    1th National Conference on the Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2018
  71. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Davood Sedighpor
    1th National Conference on the Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2018
  72. ""
    Hussein Izadfar, Saeid Sadeghian, Adel Sharifi, Abbas Malian
    1th National Conference on the Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2018
  73. ""
    Mohsen Karimi, Saeid Sadeghian
    1th National Conference on the Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2018
  74. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Zahra Abdolalizadh, Sharam Ghavami
    1th National Conference on the Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2018
  75. ""
    Hamed Khani, Saeid Sadeghian
    1th National Conference on the Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2018
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    Mehrdad Javadi, Saeid Sadeghian
    1th National Conference on the Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2018
  77. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Mahdi Khoshboresh
    1th National Conference on the Documentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2018
  78. ""
    mehdi khoshboresh, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2017
  79. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Zahra Sookhtanloo, Fatemeh Aliyari
    , 2017
  80. ""
    morteza Savadeh, Saeid Sadeghian, saeed behzadi
    , 2017
  81. ""
    somayeh Aslani, Abas Malian, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2017
  82. ""
    mohamad Mohammadi, Saeid Sadeghian, saeed Behzadi
    , 2017
  83. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Masoud Shabani
    , 2017
  84. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Masoud Shabani
    , 2017
  85. ""
    Mohammad Molaye, Ali Ardakani, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2017
  86. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Masoud Shabani
    , 2017
  87. ""
    mehdi khoshboresh, Saeid Sadeghian, Golamali karimi
    4th International congress on Civil Engineering Architecture Urban Development, 2016
  88. ""
    mahdi khoshbores, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2016
  89. ""
    Mojtaba Hamidi, Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatics 95, 2016
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    nahid ghasemi, Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatics 95, 2016
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    masoumeh gomroki, Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatics 95, 2016
  92. ""
    mojtaba hamidi, Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatics 95, 2016
  93. ""
    Alireza Arabsaeedi, Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatics 95, 2016
  94. ""
    Masoumeh Gomroki, Marzieh Jafari, Saeid Sadeghian, Zahra Azizi
    The 1st International Congress on Earth Space Clean Energy, 2015
  95. ""
    Maryam Sadat Ahmadi, Saeid Sadeghian
    The 1st International Congress on Earth Space Clean Energy, 2015
  96. ""
    Ali akbar Matkan, Saeid Sadeghian, Mohammad Hajeb, Mosleh Ahmadi
    , 2015
  97. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Yonos Noorollahi, Mohammad Hajeb, Masoud Sadeghi
    , 2015
  98. ""
    Amirsam Tadayon, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2015
  99. ""
    Mojtaba Hamidi, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2015
  100. ""
    Mojtaba Hamidi, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2015
  101. ""
    Omid Aieneh, Saeid Parsian, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2015
  102. ""
    Hussain Bagheri, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2015
  103. ""
    Hussain Golizadeh, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2015
  104. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Omid Aieneh
    , 2015
  105. ""
    Masomeh Gomroki, Saeid Sadeghian, Zahra Azizi
    , 2015
  106. "Spatial Analysis For Outlier Removal From Lidar Data"
    Ali akbar Matkan, Mohammad Hajeb, Babak Mirbagheri, Saeid Sadeghian, Mosleh Ahmadi
    The 1st ISPRS International Conference on Geospatial Information Research (GI Research 2014), 2014
  107. ""
    Syed Yaser Mohseni, MohammadJavad valadanzouj, Saeid Sadeghian, Mohammad Reza Sahebi
    , 2014
  108. ""
    Hamed Amini, parham pahlavani, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2014
  109. ""
    Ali akbar Matkan, Saeid Sadeghian, Mohammad Mahdi Ejtehadi, Mahnaz Garmabi
    , 2014
  110. ""
    Mojtaba Hamidi, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2014
  111. ""
    Alireza Bamdadi, Ali Ardakani, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2014
  112. ""
    Mojtaba Hamidi, Saeid Sadeghian
    Intrenational Conference on Civil Engineering Architecture Urban Sustainable Development, 2013
  113. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Hossein Bagheri
    , 2013
  114. "Detection of tree crowns based on reclassification using aerial images and Lidar data"
    Siamak Talebi, Asjar Zarea, Saeid Sadeghian, Hossein Arefi
    SMPR, 2013
  115. ""
    Hamed Ahmadimasine, Saeid Sadeghian, Asghar Milan, Roholah karimy Karimy
    SMPR, 2013
  116. "Ortho image and DTM generation with intelligent methods"
    Hussain Bagheri, Saeid Sadeghian
    SMPR, 2013
  117. "Forest canopy modeling with LiDAR data and digital aerial imagery"
    Zahra Azizi, Saeid Sadeghian
    SMPR, 2013
  118. ""
    Hussain Bagheri, Saeid Sadeghian, Asghar Milan
    , 2013
  119. ""
    Seyadalireza Poorafzal, Alireza Gharagozlou, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2012
  120. ""
    Alireza Gharagozlou, Mir Masoud Kheirkhah Zarkesh, Saeid Sadeghian, syed Alireza Pourafzal
    , 2011
  121. ""
    Nayyereh Esmail, Saeid Sadeghian, Yahya DJAMOUR
    , 2011
  122. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    , 2011
  123. ""
    Ali akbar Matkan, Saeid Sadeghian, Ali Mohammadzadeh, Mohammad Hajeb
    , 2010
  124. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Mostafa Safari
    , 2009
  125. ""
    syedyaser Mohseni, Mohammadjavad Valadanzouj, Saeid Sadeghian, Mahmoudreza Sahebi
    , 2009
  126. ""
    Meysam Yousefzadeh, Saeid Sadeghian
    , 2009
  127. ""
    Syed Yaser Mohseni, Mohammad Javad Valadanzouj, Saeid Sadeghian, Mahmoud Reza Sahebi
    , 2009
  128. ""
    Maryam Nikfar, Mohammadjavad Valadanzoej, Saeid Sadeghian, Mehdi Mokhtarzadeh
    , 2009
  129. ""
    Maryam Nikfar, Mohammad Javad Valadanzouj, Saeid Sadeghian, Mehdi Mokhtarzade
    , 2009
  130. ""
    Ali Baligh, Mohamadjavad Valadanzoej, Ali Mohammadzadeh, Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatic 87, 2008
  131. ""
    Maryam Nikfar, Mohammadjavad Valadanzouj, Saeid Sadeghian, Masoud Varshosaz, Mahdi Mokhtarzadeh
    Geomatic 87, 2008
  132. "Geometric correction and object extraction of Ikonos images in the application of map revision"
    Mohammad Sohrabi Nia, Saeid Sadeghian, Ali akbar Matkan, Dadfar Manavi
    Geomatics 86, 2007
  133. "Modification of Geometric Accuracy Geo-Rectified Images Using Rational Function Model and Orbital Parameter Model"
    Somayeh Yavari, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej, Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatics 86, 2007
  134. "Geometric correction of satellite images through rational function models"
    Razieh Enaami, Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatics 86, 2007
  135. ""
    Morteza Asadi, Masoud Varshosaz, Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatics 86, 2007
  136. ""
    Kambiz Alimohammadi, Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatic 85, 2006
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    Masoumeh Kheiri, Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatic 85, 2006
  138. ""
    Mohammad Najaf torghi, Mehdi Saati, Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatic 85, 2006
  139. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Mohammad Javad Valadanzouj
    , 2005
  140. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Alireza Shakiba
    , 2005
  141. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej
    Geomatic83, 2004
  142. "An investigation for real time comprehensive sensor modeling"
    Saeid Sadeghian
    Geomatic82, 2003
  143. ""
    Saeid Sadeghian, Mohammadjavad Valadanzoej
    , 2003
  144. "Geometric processing of Irans Ikonos geo image with & without DSM"
    Saeid Sadeghian, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej, Mahmoud Reza Delavar, Ahmad Abootalebi
    Geomatic81, 2002
  145. ""
    Abbas Shakiba, Saeid Sadeghian, Ahmad Rajabi
    Iron and Steel Symposium 2001, pp.1-20, 2001